Image of the study and study doors, a room that was part of an internal renovation in the Sandringham pre-sale renovation



Here's where you can find all the behind the scenes on pre-sale renovation projects, trends we're loving & all things real estate. 


Exploring whether an internal renovation or extension is best for your Sydney home Recently I’ve been on a few consultations where the homeowner is exploring whether they should renovate or extend their home. It’s a great question to explore, especially when considering what’s going to add the most value to your home and with the […]


Image of the study and study doors, a room that was part of an internal renovation in the Sandringham pre-sale renovation


Should I renovate or extend?

Exploring whether an internal renovation or extension is best for your Sydney home Recently I’ve been on a few consultations where the homeowner is exploring whether they should renovate or extend their home. It’s a great question to explore, especially when considering what’s going to add the most value to your home and with the […]

Pre-Sale Renovations

Selling a Deceased Estate

Navigating the sale of a deceased estate can be a daunting process. Beyond the emotional and legal aspects, managing an inherited property can be overwhelming. This blog post is designed to guide both families and legal professionals through the intricate process of selling a deceased estate. With my specialized experience in pre-sale renovations, I aim […]

Image of a renovated bathroom in the Sandringham pre-sale renovation

Pre-Sale Renovations

How the Renovate Now Pay Later program works

You may be considering renovating before selling, but don’t have the funds now. That’s ok because Wealth House has a renovate now pay later program that might solve your problem. In this post, I’ll share more details about how the renovate now pay later program works to see if you’re a good fit. What is […]

Stock image of a calculator to calculate your renovation or extension budget

Pre-Sale Renovations

Free Home Value Calculator for Sydney Homeowners

Are you wondering “how much is my house worth?” I’ve created an AI-powered home value calculator that also gives your renovation recommendations to add value, estimates costs and gives you the post-renovation value. The best part? It’s completely free. You can get access here or if you want more information, you can scroll down below […]

Kristen walking through a home to illustrate making a list of projects for your home to help determine the budget

Pre-Sale Renovations

The First Step: What happens on a pre-sale renovation consult

If you’re considering renovations before selling, you might be feeling overwhelmed right now. The first step is really to schedule a pre-sale renovation consult where we can explore whether renovations will add value. In this post, I’ll share more about what happens on a consult, the follow-up proposal and more when working with Wealth House. […]


Pantry Renovation in Sydney: Before & After

Once an awkward cupboard under the stairs with a working bathtub, underwent a pantry renovation to add a key feature local buyers want and to add value. In this post, I’ll be sharing all the details on this incredible transformation on a budget. If you want to check out more posts on the Sandringham project, […]

Exterior of the Sandringham NSW pre-sale renovation which saw added value in its sale


How I added nearly $400,000 value to a Sydney home

As a pre-sale renovation specialist, my goal is to add value to homes. In the recently sale of a Sydney area, I did just that. In this post, I’ll be sharing all the details of the Sandringham NSW pre-sale renovation which saw an added value of $370,000. Let’s take a look: Details Location: Sandringham NSW, […]

Bed with side tables and lamps in bedroom 5


Bedroom Renovation in Sydney: Before & After

We added a 5th bedroom in the Sandringham renovation – which was actually a somewhat last minute add. In this post, I’ll be sharing all the behind the scenes of how this bedroom came about including what was in this space before (you might be surprised!) and the after. If you want to check out […]

See the before and after details of this home office renovation in a home currently for sale in Sandringham NSW.


Home Office Renovation in Sydney: Before & After

One of our major transformations in Sandringham was the home office renovation. In this post, I’ll be taking you through the before (a dark bedroom area) to the after (a light & airy workspace). If you want to check out more posts on the Sandringham project, you can see the full before here, a mid-renovation […]

The renovated bathroom in our Sandringham NSW pre-sale renovation


Bathroom Renovation in Sydney: Before & After

If you’ve been following along on the Sandringham renovation, you know that one of our biggest projects was the bathroom renovation. In this post, I’ll be sharing all the before & after details for this bathroom renovation in Sydney. But before that, if you want to check out the other posts to catch up, here’s […]

HELPING HOMEOWNERS make MORE MONEY in the SALE OF THEIR HOME, through design driven